Mobile Money and Financial Inclusion in Africa

Mobile Money and Financial Inclusion in Africa

Introduction Mobile money has enabled Africans to access funds, especially in rural areas where there are no banks and people do not have the required documents to open accounts. As a result, mobile money has been the primary vehicle for mobile inclusion in Africa. It has achieved massive success, especially in Kenya through M-Pesa, the…

What are the challenges of running an e-commerce business

What are the challenges of running an e-commerce business

E-commerce, since its inception in the early 20th century, has proven to be a force that has changed the scene of Commerce greatly. Almost every imaginable product and service is available through e-commerce transactions. Sales of edible products, books, plane tickets, music, and financial services such as online banking and stock investing are all conducted…

First Impressions Count: How to Make the Right One With Your Business

First Impressions Count: How to Make the Right One With Your Business

Written by Viola Hughes The first impression for businesses is vital. If the first time you interact with a business is negative, you are far less likely to use them or recommend them to someone else. In this guide, we look at how you can make the right first impression as a business. 1. Create…

Trove VS Bamboo

Trove VS Bamboo

Online investments platforms are fast becoming the go-to for Nigerians looking to invest in bonds, stock etc. With the rate of inflation in the country and the daily rising price of foreign exchange, it has become a necessity to understand how investment platforms work. Unlike some years ago when you had to either be a…

Chaka vs Bamboo

Chaka vs Bamboo

Whenever people hear of the word investment, what comes to mind is taking advantage of an opportunity or a system where they can benefit, however In the world of Investment, nothing pays off more than educating oneself in doing all necessary research and analysis before making any investment. The introduction of Investment applications in Nigeria…

 Keyholders responsibility

 Keyholders responsibility

Business organizations want satisfying agents in society. They are set up to provide or render services at a profit. As such,  entrepreneurs  set up businesses, for customers, for the supplier of raw materials,  adherence to government regulations, and to provide quality services of such businesses, These categories of people are referred to as stakeholders. Keyholders…

eNaira: what you need to know

eNaira: what you need to know

In a declaration released on October 23, Osita Nwasinobi,  the director of communications for the Central  Bank of Nigeria  (CBN),  said that the President finally unveiled the Nigerian Central bank digital currency  known as the E-naira, This new development “represents a giant step forward in the advancement of money, Hence, CBN is responsible for ensuring…