Business Hub One was nominated as a top startup!
We were nominated as a top startup by The Startup Pill earlier this week. The nomination came as surprise and motivation as it is interesting to discover that our work is being noticed around the world.
We were listed as one of the 101 Best African Startups Founded in 2020!
These startups are taking a variety of approaches to innovate inside of Africa and around the world. They are all exceptional startups well worth a follow.
We were selected by startupill for exceptional performance in the categories below
- Innovation
(Innovative ideas, the innovative route to market, Innovative product) - Growth
(Exceptional growth, Exceptional growth strategy) - Management
- Societal impact

Find our Crunchbase Profile here.
What does Business Hub One do?
We help you make your startup journey easier.
We provide business insights, business data analysis and help you through product development process – from Idea to MVP.
Re-thinking your startup for traction!
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Business Hub One is ONE Hub committed to the growth of your Business!
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