Chaka vs Bamboo

Whenever people hear of the word investment, what comes to mind is taking advantage of an opportunity or a system where they can benefit, however In the world of Investment, nothing pays off more than educating oneself in doing all necessary research and analysis before making any investment. The introduction of Investment applications in Nigeria…

keyholders responsibility

 Keyholders responsibility

Business organizations want satisfying agents in society. They are set up to provide or render services at a profit. As such,  entrepreneurs  set up businesses, for customers, for the supplier of raw materials,  adherence to government regulations, and to provide quality services of such businesses, These categories of people are referred to as stakeholders. Keyholders…

dealing with busines failure

How to deal with Business Failure in 4 easy steps

HOW TO DEAL WITH BUSINESS FAILURE       Failure, is the singular metric that is common to every successful business organization. The enormous success that succeeds their failure has perhaps given another definition to failure. Contrary to common logic, failure is now been considered as part of success, and not the opposite of success. Think of your…